MONADNOCK INTERFAITH PROJECT is a non-profit coalition of congregations from the Monadnock region of southern New Hampshire. We are wholehearted individuals working together to foster interfaith community, understanding, and systemic change that benefits our region. Through the Monadnock Interfaith Project (MIP), people come together to put faith into action.

GET THE LATEST MIP NEWS: Join our monthly eNews Newsletter: Email your request to and include your preferred email, plus first and last name or organization you represent (required). We’d also like your address + phone number (optional), especially if you are local and would like to become involved with our work.


“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.” 

–Margaret Mead

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Working for systemic change


Listening for Change in the Monadnock Region

MIP is entering a new phase of listening towards identifying MIP’s next social justice campaign. Listening is a spiritual practice in which we open our hearts and minds to share authentically and listen deeply to our neighbors. We invite you to attend a community listening session Saturday March 8 at 2pm at Birdies in the back room (18 Main St. Keene). Please RSVP here. This is part of 15+ listening gatherings in our region.