Monadnock Interfaith Project is a non-profit coalition of congregations, organizations, and individuals working together to foster interfaith community, understanding, and systemic change that benefits the Monadnock region of New Hampshire. We are spiritually motivated people of multiple faiths (and no particular faith) who believe that changing the world starts with change in our own backyard. Through the Monadnock Interfaith Project (MIP), people in the Monadnock region come together to put faith into action.
How Monadnock Interfaith Project (MIP) Began
Three local congregations providing community breakfasts for people in need felt the depth of their experience and began to ask themselves, what if a coalition of religious voices organized regionally to work together on systemic change for social justice? Their voices would create a call greater than the sum of its parts.
People in faith organizations from Harrisville, Jaffrey, Peterborough, Marlborough, Keene, and Walpole put their heads, hearts, and hands together to make a more coordinated, regional difference. As a result of their efforts, MIP was formalized as an entity and earned tax exempt status (EIN 83-1437755) in November 2017. MIP appointed its first official board of directors (the MIP Guiding Council). and began coordinating together on a regional level to foster community and make systemic change. This is accomplished through “on the spot” action in key moments, with targeted campaigns of ccommunity organizing around achievable medium-term projects in an area of regional need, and with long-term advocacy for social justice at local, regional, and state-wide levels.
MIP continues as an organization of community advocates, faith leaders, and concerned citizens to respond to contemporary challenges in the Monadnock region. From sponsoring interfaith lectures and book discussions, to advocating for social justice in the legislature or to city council, to publishing resource links and doing community wellness checks during the Covid pandemic, to shepherding the Monadnock Regional Development Fund into existence, MIP has been vitallly involved in the welfare of our society. With your help and assistance, we will continue to make a difference in the future.
MIP Guiding Council (2025)
Executive Team
- Thomas Julius, Chair
- Roye Ginsberg, Vice-Chair
- Sarah Harpster, Treasurer
- Ann Carlson, Secretary
Council Members
- Alaria Clauss
- James Duffy
- Len Fleischer
- Ken Kost
- Ahmed Kutty
- Judy Lundahl
- Pamela Parrish
Community Organizer – Angela Pape (meet our community organizer)
MIP Organizational Partners

MIP Guiding Council Meetings were held exclusively via Zoom during the CoVid pandemic. Many committee meetings continue to be help largely via zoom.