MIP partners and members are passionate about human flourishing in the Monadnock region. Whether it is access to housing, medical care, childcare, eldercare, food security, mental health resources, a sustainable and pleasant built environment, employment opportunities and access to a living wage, diversity, equality, justice–we care about it all. We want to stay informed, speak out when appropriate, and make a collective difference.

However, a task such as “social justice” is both difficult to pin down and a problem almost too vast to imagine. If you want to change the world, you have to start with a single step; and then take another; and another. Inch by inch, bit by bit, a small group of people can change their world.

MIP selects well-defined campaigns with which to marshall our collective passion toward achievable goals with measurable outcomes. The camraderie and satisfaction of achieving a goal together is what sustains us for the long haul as we continue to seek a more just, sustainable and inclusive world.

Listening for Change:

In the spring of 2025, MIP entered a new phase of listening towards identifying MIP’s next social justice campaign. Listening is a spiritual practice in which we open our hearts and minds to share authentically and listen deeply to our neighbors. MIP has scheduled approximately 20 listening sessions at various places throughout the Monadnock region, concluding before the scheduled reporting sessioin, 6:30 pm on March 26 at St. James Episcopal Church in Keene.

At listening sessions, community members share personal stories about their lives and barriers they experience to living a full and healthy life in our region. We seek to listen with our whole hearts, discern together our next project for positive systemic change, and together become a aforce for love in an often broken world.

On April 9, 6:30pm at Monadnock Covenant Church, we will together use the collective insights from these listening sessions and our reporting session to choose a new social justice project on which to focus our efforts in the coming months.