Housing – DO you know? (2022-2023 timeframe)

How much should you be spending on housing?

A recommended maximum of 30% household income (Chase Bank)

What percentage of NH households spend more than half of their income on housing?

62% of NH households spend more than half of their income on housing. These severely cost burdened households are more likely to sacrifice other necessities like healthy food and healthcare to pay the rent, and to experience evictions. (Low income Housing Coalition)

How much have rents increased in the past 5 years?

14%.  As of 2022, the median gross rent for all units in Southwest NH was $1,147, up more than 14% since 2017. (NH Southwest Regional Planning Commission)

How much do you need to make to afford a two bedroom apartment in Cheshire County?

– $45,000/year, that’s $22/hour for 52 weeks to afford a two bedroom apartment in the Monadnock region.  (Source: NH Southwest Regional Planning Commission)

How many of extremely low income households are seniors?

43% are seniors, 21% have jobs, 19% are disabled, 13% include a single adult caregiver. (Low income Housing Coalition)

How many two bedroom apartments are available in Cheshire County for $1,147 or less.

2 as of May 21, 2023. (Zillow.com)

How much is saved in public resources when people are housed?

A homeless person costs approximately $30,000-$50,000 per year in supportive services. (Street Sense Media)

What promising strategies have communities used to address housing challenges?

Housing Development Funds to incentivize pricing housing units at affordable rates, Zoning revisions to allow for
greater density, policy that enable cluster and co-housing, and Accessory Dwelling Units (ADU), and
multi-generational housing. (
Bipartisan Policy Center)

How many houses were built in Keene over the last twenty years?