Faith Leader Meetings
MIP convenes monthly meetings of our partner faith leaders, other regional faith leaders, and organizational leaders from across the Monadnock region to build relationships, reflect on our various faith traditions’ call to social justice, and to start to act together.
Since the formation of the group, MIP faith leaders have spoken out in support of COVID 19 vaccines, spoken out to condemn bigotry and for love for everyone, and have provided leadership in the efforts to expand options for people experiencing homelessness. This has been an important space for reflecting, sharing, and support.
If your congregation would like to join these meaningful conversations, please reach out to us at
We’d love to have you join us!

MIP Events
MIP holds several events per year to build community among our constituents and to invite the public into a better understanding of who we are and what we do. These include our yearly Faith Festival, an outdoor picnic for all ages with pick-up choir, games, booths, and lots of food; our annual fall picnic (also lots of good food and fellowship); an all-faith theme night for the Swamp Bats Baseball team; concerts; lectures; book discussions; and so much more.

We plan to start a new feature on this website: The Interfaith Bookshelf. It will be a resource for book reviews and recommendations in five specific categories related to our mission:
- Books that introduce one religion or multiple religions to others who are not of the same faith. These present the basic beliefs, practices, history and contexts of the faith without presenting any one faith as superior to others or attempting to prostelytize.
- Books that present a religion from the point of view of an adherent to that religion, often as a memoir: what is it like to be a member of that religion in a particular time and social context? Especially, in this category, books oriented towards children and teach them to understand their neighbors of different faiths.
- Books that are oriented towards religious persons or organizations working together on collaborations in their neighborhoods or regions.
- Books that deal with issues of social justice from a faith or interfaith perspective.
- Books for young readers, in any of the above categories.
Look back here soon for more developments.