Support a Peace Monument on Central Square


Keene City Hall Council Chambers, Wednesday, June 26, 6pm

Inspired and led by Keene native, Carl Jacobs, MIP is collaborating with Rotary Club of Keene and the Elm City Rotary in proposing a Peace Monument on Keene’s Central Square. 

A central theme of Rotary International is the promotion of peace in their various service, education, mediation, and advocacy efforts. This spirit is often expressed in public spaces through the erection of Peace Poles (see illustration) and deeply resonates with the community, understanding and social justice mission of MIP. 

Following our proposal of a Peace Pole located in Central Square, Keene city staff have encouraged the concept to include the fountain in the center of the square becoming an element of a “peace monument,” We are supportive of the placement of a peace monument on Central Square in whatever form it takes.

The Keene Municipal Services, Facilities and Infrastructure Committee (MSFI) will discuss this proposal on Wednesday, June 26, 6pm in Council Chambers, City Hall, 2nd floor. We will be speaking up in support of a Peace Monument on Keene’s Central Square and committing ourselves to work with the city to make it happen.

We invite you to join us on Wednesday! For info on the Peace Monument contact: Carl Jacobs, carljac21@gmail.com